Qazi urges Muslim states to unite against Israeli aggression

12 Jan, 2009

Amir Jamaat-i-Islami Qazi Hussain Ahmed has urged Muslim countries to exert pressure on USA and the United Nations to stop Israeli aggression against Palestinian people. Addressing a protest demonstration here at Aabpara Chowk on Sunday, he said it is the need of the hour that the Muslim Ummah should be united.
"Human Rights Organisations should be ashamed on Israeli atrocities in occupied Palestinian land", he said. Qazi Hussain Ahmed said the Israeli barbarianism has crossed its limit in Palestine and USA and the West are still ruling on Muslims as they did sixty years ago.
He said medals have been awarded to the Americans for committing crimes against Kashmiris and the Palestinians.
Amir JI said the America and its agents are committing acts of cruelty on the Muslims. He said the unarmed and innocent Palestinian people are besieged in the Holy month of Muharram.
He said all the Muslim countries are acting as silent spectator on the genocide of Palestinian people. He said independence of Jerusalem is the mutual agreement of Muslim Ummah and the liberation of Palestinian is a big issue before the Muslims. He called on Muslims to forge unity in their ranks and files.
"Mumbai attacks are a conspiracy against Muslim Ummah and Pakistan.

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