Magnus assigned AM3 management quality rating

15 Jan, 2009

JCR-VIS Credit Rating Company Ltd (JCR-VIS) has assigned an initial Management Quality rating of 'AM3' (AM-Three) to Magnus Investment Advisors Limited (Magnus). The key sponsor is the Chief Executive Officer of Magnus who has put together a small but competent management team. The company has in place well-organised organisational structure with appropriate allocation of divisional duties.
Furthermore, commitment to sound corporate governance is evident in operational policies including voluntary disclosures to clients with respect to the company's investment portfolio and employees' personal holdings.
The same disclosures are made voluntarily to Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) on a periodic basis. Furthermore, an independent risk management department, directly reporting to a committee organised at the Board level, has also been established with the objective of overseeing all investment and business risks.-PR

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