Iranian university, PU signing MoU today

15 Jan, 2009

A delegation of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran headed by its Vice Chancellor, Professor Dr Ali Raza Ashori visited Punjab University (PU) to finalise the draft of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between various PU departments and Ferdowsi University on Wednesday. The documents of academic collaboration between the varsities are being drafted and would be signed on Thursday (today).
A meeting was held in this connection under the chairmanship of PU VC at his office committee room. The Director, International Relations, Ferdowsi University, Dr Abedin Vahedian, PU Director, External Linkages, Professor Dr Najma Najam, Registrar, Professor Dr Muhammad Naeem Khan, Deans of various faculties and head of the departments concerned were also present on the occasion.
The visiting VC said that Pakistan and Iran have long and strong relations and these relations are based on religion, language, culture and other various elements. He said both the countries share common culture. 'When our students read the poetry of Iqbal, they don't feel as they are reading a foreign poet and similarly the case is with Pakistani students about Sa'adi.'
PU VC said that the collaboration in academic and research activities among PU and Ferdowsi University will not only be good for both the varsities but also for Muslim Ummah. He said, Pakistan and Iran have relations based on historical, cultural and religion. The students and teachers of PU and Ferdowsi University will benefit from the academic collaboration between both the varsities. Later, the delegation visited the laboratory of the Department of Botany and Museum of Institute of Geology.

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