PBM registers 400 special families

15 Jan, 2009

Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal (PBM) has registered 400 families under its "Special Families Project" to provide them stipend of Rs 25,000 annually. Those families who have more than one person with disability, are being registered as special families of PBM, Managing Director, PBM, Zammurrud Khan told APP here Wednesday.
In this regard, he said that PBM has conducted various surveys and collected the data of 1000 families so far to treat them as special families for improving their living. He said that PBM was working on 5 major projects for the welfare of disable persons to bring substantial change in living standards of the persons with disability.
"There is a need to develop positive attitude to treat the people with disabilities as normal citizens as they are not less than any one in terms of their capacities," he added. He further said, the government and private sector should play united role to make disabled as useful citizens of the country rather than considering them a burden on society. Government was endeavouring to include 2 percent quota for persons with disability in Benazir Income Support Programme that would serve deserving and disabled families at maximum with the support of Rs 1000 monthly, he said.

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