APCEA rejects proposed deal for Afghan Transit Trade

15 Jan, 2009

All Pakistan Commercial Exporters Association (APCEA) of precious and semi-precious gemstones has rejected the new proposed agreement for Pak-Afghan Transit Trade. The decision has been taken in a meeting of the Executive Body of the APCEA, said a press release issued here on Wednesday.
In the meeting, Zia-ul-Haq Sarhadi apprised the participants of the meeting about the contents of a seminar arranged by World Bank (WB) in Islamabad on proposed new Pak-Afghan Agreement.
The participants of the meeting expressed their strong reservation over the proposed plan and rejected the idea. They observed that the new plan would affect business related to Pak-Afghan Transit Trade. They demanded of the government to take the business community in confidence while finalising new plans.
The participants of the meeting observed that changes in the Transit Trade Agreement would also inflict heavy losses worth billion of rupees on Pakistan Railways.

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