Partly Facetious: Boucher is definitely worthy of the medal

16 Jan, 2009

"There is a hue and cry about..."
"I know about load shedding and the contradictory statements made by the Minister for Power."
"What do you expect of that poor guy? He was a real estate agent by profession and you know in that business it is no big deal to change your stance given your client's needs if you know what I mean."
"But he must understand that the nature of his job has changed."
"I suppose people are getting tired of giving our new leadership time to get training while in the job."
"And I suppose giving them time to learn and become good politicians in the cold, without gas heaters, and the dark, without electricity, is more tiresome."
"Anyway, that is not what I was referring to, when I mentioned the hue and cry. I was actually referring to President Zardari conferring the Quaid-e-Azam medal on Boucher."
"Whatever for?"
"Maybe he thought that way Boucher may make statements in Pakistan's interest."
"Not likely. Actually the same day as he got the medal, Boucher said that there is clear evidence to suggest that Pakistan was involved in the Mumbai attacks and he also stated that India would help Pakistan track down the perpetrators."
"Ah yes he is definitely worthy of the medal."
"Don't be facetious. I wonder if Boucher actually appreciates the medal. I mean given that he didn't need to do anything for Pakistan to get it..."
"One should really give it to someone who would consider it an honour."
"Maybe President Zardari should revisit it."
"How can he? You can't give an award and then take it back!"
"Hey President Zardari gave his word in writing and took it back, then he said the Indian incursion into our airspace was a technical error and then had the Foreign Office summon the Indian Ambassador."
"I guess."

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