Israeli atrocities: countrywide Friday prayers become symbolic of people's indignation

17 Jan, 2009

The Friday prayers all over Pakistan at noon time became symbolic of the indignation of the Pakistani people over Israeli atrocities in Gaza on the Palestinian Arab people. At the different mosques in Karachi city there were banners decrying the Israeli atrocities and calling for united Muslim world action against Israeli barbarism.
At several mosques, after the Friday congregations for prayers small rallies were also held with banners denouncing Israeli and regretting the inaction of the Muslim countries in support of the Palestinian Arabs. In Karachi city, big and small mosques witnessed prayers followed by slogans in favour of the Palestinian Arabs and urging the world community to stop Israeli aggression and atrocities.
A spokesman for the demonstrators at Memon Masjid on M A Jinnah Road area near Laxmi building said that the Muslims in the city have been deeply hurt and disturbed by the Israeli atrocities in Gaza. The demonstrators also carried slogans written on banners condemning Israel and the USA for backing Israel in its atrocities against Arabs in Palestine.
Similar demonstrations were held at other places in Sindh, Punjab, NWFP and Balochistan. In Azad Kashmir also the faithful on Friday prayers decried Israel and its supporter America for the atrocities committed on the Arabs in Palestine.

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