Meeting takes up issue of Afghan DPs

20 Jan, 2009

A committee under the chairmanship of the Federal Minister of State and Frontier Regions Najmuddin Khan held its preliminary meeting on Monday and discussed various matters relating to Afghan refugees living in Pakistan following a presentation given by the Chief Commissioner Afghan Refugees. The meeting was attended by senior officers from the ministries of Safron, foreign affairs and interior.
The Provincial Commissioners for Afghan refugees as well as home secretaries from NWFP and Balochistan were also present in the meeting. The meeting discussed the current policy regarding the repatriation of Afghan refugees and other related matters including the repatriation of remaining Afghan refugees and their management while living in Pakistan.
Earlier, the Chief Commissioner Afghan Refugees, Fida Wazir, gave detailed presentation to the participants' related issues to Afghan refugees. While giving briefing, he mentioned that there are about 1.7 million registered refugees and floated many suggestions for proper handing of the Afghan refugees.-PR

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