Mumbai attacks: Indian HC briefed about probing measures

20 Jan, 2009

Adviser to Prime Minister on Interior Rehman Malik has informed the Indian High Commissioner to Pakistan Satyabrata Pal about the measures taken by Pakistan to investigate the matter of Mumbai attacks in view of the Indian information.
Satyabrata Pal was invited by the government on Monday to visit the office of National Database Registration Authority (Nadra) to check the data of Ajmal Kasab, the lone surviving attacker of Mumbai carnage. Deputy high commissioner of India and Pakistan's High Commissioner in India Shahid Malik were also present. Rehman Malik apprised the Indian diplomats that no record of Ajmal Kasab was found in Nadra's database and informed them about the progress in the investigations.
After the meeting talking to media Malik said that Indian diplomats have expressed complete satisfaction over Pakistan's probe and assured that more information will be provided by India if demanded. He said that Pakistan is committed to hold a thorough and transparent investigation into Mumbai attacks and in this regard a three-member team had been constituted. He said that investigators would follow the international procedures and Pakistani laws to investigate the Mumbai attack in view of the information provided by India.
It is pertinent to note that a three-member investigation team was constituted with Javed Iqbal, additional DG FIA as its chairman and Khalid Qureshi and Liaquat Ali Khan, two DIG rank officers as members. The committee has been asked to submit preliminary report within ten days.

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