Businessman Forum has lost confidence of business community, claims TACCI

20 Jan, 2009

President, Tribal Area Chamber of Commerce and Industry (TACCI), Mohammad Akbar Khan has said that Senator Ilyas Bilour of Businessman Forum (BF) had lost confidence of the business community and would face another defeat at the hands of Businessman Panel (BP) in the elections of the Federation of Pakistan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FPCCI).
In a statement, he said that Businessman Forum has backing of only 6 voters in the 126-member electoral-college of the federation due to which, he said both Ilyas Bilour and Siraj Kasim Telli are heading towards a shameful defeat.
He accused Senator Bilour of promoting only his family members. He said Businessman Panel under the leadership of Tariq Sayeed and Haji Ghulam Ali was making continuous success in the elections of the federation.
Akbar Khan claimed that BP was enjoying the support of an overwhelming majority of 120 votes in the 126 member electoral list, which is clear-cut proof of the confidence of the business community in the leadership of the Tariq Sayeed and Businessman Panel.
He said that Ilyas Bilour and Siraj Kasim Telli are hatching conspiracies to postpone the polls. However, he said that with the grace of Allah Almighty the elections will be held on January 30 and all chambers and associations will repose confidence in the leadership of Businessman Panel to get the federation red of both Ilyas Ahmad Bilour and Siraj Kasim Telli. The TACCI chief also criticised the leadership of BF for making conspiracy to deprive D.I. Khan, Haripur and Tribal Area chambers of their licenses.

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