One-man rule endangering country's solidarity: Jamaat-i-Islami

20 Jan, 2009

Rao Zafar Iqbal, Naib Amir of Jamaat-i-Islami Punjab has said one-man rule in the country is endangering Pakistan's solidarity. The JI leader was talking to newsmen here on Monday. Naib Ameer Jamaat-i-Islami said the Prime Minister and the opposition want to repeal the 17th amendment whereas the President and the US want it intact just because it served the interests of western powers which wanted dictatorship in the country.
He said the US wanted control over Pakistan with the help of one-man rule whether the latter was in uniform or without uniform. He said the incumbent government would fall if judges were not restored on their pre November 3, 2007 position and parliament was not given its sovereign status. He stressed that at least on the issue of repealing 17th amendment, the PML-N and the PML-Q should join hands despite the fact that latter had made lot of mistakes.
He also reiterated his support to the lawyers' movement and announced to make maximum participation in the long march scheduled on March 9 for the restoration of deposed judges. JI leader said unity among the entire nation was essential for taking the country out of the prevailing crisis. He said rulers were following the policies dictated by US, adding that the restoration of deposed judges and democracy in true spirit were need of the hour.
Dr Waseem of JI said it was unfortunate that the representatives of a democratic government were themselves conspiring against democracy. He said all like-minded forces would join hands to ensure the solidarity of the country. Coming hard on the US interference in national affairs, he demanded an end to this and stressed upon the rulers to restore deposed judges as per the pledges made to the nation.

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