Robbers hijack bus, loot passengers

20 Jan, 2009

Five armed robbers hijack a Rajanpur bound bus (Reg No FGH.7513) from Adda Bahar, which was coming from Faisalabad on Sunday night. According to details, the robbers shot dead a passenger Asim Rafiq and injured another ten on resistance.
They snatched cash of Rs 63,000, gold ornaments, Mobile Phones and wrist watches and a gun of security guard and ran away leaving the passenger at deserted place. DPO Muzaffargarh Sahibzada Shehzad Sultan said," Five armed robbers who boarded on the bus in the guise of passengers overpowered the security guard and bus staff and then took it to deserted place where they opened fires on resistance, resultantly a passenger died and ten other injured". We have detailed a police party to search the dacoits, he added.

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