Boycott of Israeli goods

21 Jan, 2009

The slaughter and destruction of Gaza's Muslims may have ceased, perhaps temporarily but the wounds remain fresh of the innumerable families destroyed, of the children killed or maimed, the many mothers, fathers and brothers wantonly murdered for no fault of their own.
There can be no justification for the killing of entire swathes of civilians, showering their homes with bombs to kill a few militants. In a case of taking a plane for ransom would you allow the killing of all the passengers for the few 'terrorists'. Maybe Hitler justified his Holocaust on similar grounds of purging civilisation of the few rotton eggs.
There were protests all over the world by Muslims and Westerners, which seemed to fall on deaf ears. The Muslim, especially the Arab leaders lack of action was deafeningly loud. The whole episode goes to show our weaknesses, to sit by while innocent Muslim blood is shed. The least we can do to show our support is boycott Israeli products. A list is available on the web for those interested.

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