Zarai Taraqiati Bank Limited declares PLS profit rates

21 Jan, 2009

Zarai Taraqiati Bank Limited have declared the profit rates on various PLS deposits for the period of six months ended 31st December 2008:

Zarai Taraqiati Bank Limited
Types of Deposits Rates of Return
1. PLS Saving Accounts 5.00% p.a
2. Business Deposit Accounts 5.00% p.a
3. PLS Terms Deposits
a) 03 Months 5.10% p.a
b) 06 Months 5.20% p.a.
c) 12 Months 5.30% p.a.
d) 24 Months 5.60% p.a.
e) 36Months 5.80% p.a
f) 48 Months 6.10% p.a.
g) 60 Months & above 6.40% p.a
4. Zarai Bachat Accounts:-
Deposit Balanced
i) Less than or Rs/ 100,000/-
ii) Rs 100,001/- to Rs 200,000/- -
iii) Rs 200,001/- to Rs 300,000/- 5.00% p.a.
iv) Rs 300,001/- to Rs 400,000/- irrespective of slabs
v) Rs 400,001/- to Rs 500,000/-
vi) Rs 500,001/- and above
5. Mustaqbil Mehfooz Deposit for ZTBL employees. 8.00% p.a
6. Zarai Term Deposit Certificates (Three Years) 4.00% p.a
Profit Rate on Prematurae withdrawals:
-Deposit period
1) Less than 3 months NIL
ii) 3 months & before 6 months 1.5%
iii) 6 months & before 12 months 2.00%
iv) 12 months & before 18 months 2.50%
v) 18 months & before 24 months 3.00%
vi) 24 months & before 30 months 3.50%
vii) At completion of 36 months 4.00%


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