Partly Facetious: in a hurry to clear all debts

21 Jan, 2009

"So Biden got the medal."
"Yes, and according to our increasingly vocal Prime Minister..."
"Which is a good thing...his getting more vocal, I mean."
"Yes and my theory stands: it's the office that makes a man and not the man that makes the office in this country."
"Your statement is too philosophical by half, if you catch my drift!"
"All I am saying is that the meekest of all will bare his or her teeth if pushed into a corner but only after he or she is given a certain position."
"That's true, we do have a history of the meek and the stupid being appointed to key posts and in time they all bared their teeth against their benefactors."
"There are exceptions. Some remained meek and stupid. Take the case of Jamali, Shaukat Aziz, the Chaudhrys' even when the writing was clear on the wall, ie the people of this country wanted Musharraf out." "Could you elaborate? I mean identify who is weak and who stupid?"
"No, let them all rest in peace." "Musharraf's lecture in the US was marked by old shoes being piled up for the spectators to take aim and let fly." "Ah, but the police didn't allow it." "Pity because that's the only accountability that he was ever going to get given the current batch of our rulers. But going back to Biden, he got the medal not because he got Musharraf to take off his uniform, credit for that has to go to the lawyers movement, but because of the Biden-Lugar bill; or so amended our Prime Minister."
"Right but timing is everything in politics. We should have desisted giving medals to any American at this point when US support for Israeli war crimes is creating serious angst even in the US." "Our politicians' get such a short time in power and hence they feel a sense of urgency to hurry up and clear all debts."
"That's true indeed."

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