War on terror

23 Jan, 2009

The need for redefining the war on terror is being stressed despite the historically established fact that irrespective of the change in the faces in the White House after four years, the American policies on the whole continue with slight more or less emphasis without undergoing any major change or shift as such. This is not all.
The other day, this scribe was shocked to read a report in the newspapers based on official documents that Pakistan had suffered huge loss of more than Rs 2080 billion during the last three years or so as a front line partner in the US-led international coalition in the war on terror. Since the report was neither contradicted nor clarified by the official quarters, one has to rely on the figures given there in.
The urgency for redefining the war on terror, more importantly for Pakistan, arises also from the bitter fact that the fight against militancy and extremism has failed miserably to yield the desired results. This is so because since the launching of the war on terror in the wake of 9/11 terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, militants and extremists have grown instead of being reduced, curbed and eliminated.
It is also a bitter record that the war on terror was launched in a hurried manner with the allies as well as the world body, United Nations, succumbing to the US pressures without realising and appreciating the ground realities. Why this is so? Also why that only the Muslims are being targeted and dubbed as the terrorists and extremists in different parts of the world? After all, there are also extremist bodies in India and elsewhere.
The need for redefining the war or terror is all the more vital because Pakistan has not only suffered huge financial losses, despite US and other countries assistance under one or the other cover, but also the hundreds of innocent people, including women and children's lives have been lost in the war on terror and suicide bomb attacks and explosions.
It is a historical record that the Britishers despite their repeated efforts, were not able to establish their rule over the Pathans when the East India Company rulers had ruled the Sub-continent. Now, the USA with active co-operation of its allies, is striving under the cover of war on terror to establish its control in Afghanistan mainly for overviewing the Peoples Republic of China from closer angles and be nearer to the hot waters and access to the Gwadar Deep Sea Port, financed and completed by China.
Furthermore, if the Pathans carrying arms are to be attacked and aggressed against merely because they are preaching and advocating Islam and Islamic life style, under their own interpretation which may be right or wrong, then quite obviously and naturally, they also have the right to defend themselves and hit back at the aggressors/attackers.
It is high time to redefine the war on terror so that further losses being incurred quite unnecessarily are averted and redefined objectives on the basis of the existing ground realities achieved in due course of time. The troika of Pakistan comprising President Asif Ali Zardari, Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani and Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Ashfaq Pervaiz Kayani should pause, ponder and deliberate over the pertinent question of what the country has gained or lost in the war on terror so far.
Millions not only believe that the war or terror has been stretched too far, but also are becoming sympathetic towards those who are just being dubbed and killed as extremists and militants every day. The scenic beauty of one of major tourist resorts of Pakistan, Swat Valley, has already been lost in the war on terror. How many more such "casualties" are going to happen?
Needless to mention here that the people in the tribal areas, by and large, are misguided, misdirected and misled due to lack of proper understanding of the Holy Quran and the Islamic teachings as well as inadequate education facilities. To address this, services of Ulema, Mashaikh, as well as elders and the elected representatives of the troubled areas should be acquired on priority basis.
They should undertake intensive and extensive visits of the troubled areas and inter-act with the people there who are in dire need to be told and explained that Islam is a religion of peace, tolerance and moderation and is not against female education at all. Continuous killing of the innocent people on others behest under the war on terror cannot be justified at all. The law of the land says that a person is innocent till he is proved a criminal.

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