Partly Facetious: I'm getting tired of presidential denials

23 Jan, 2009

"So Obama's inauguration costs hundreds of millions of dollars and 100 percent of the Gaza children are traumatised and..."
"True, too true but Obama is focused on American children and American needs. Isn't that his terms of reference?"
"I guess. They talk of globalisation on the one hand and the US role in policing the world as the sole superpower on the other but the bottom line is each country must do what it considers best for its own people."
"Moral issues completely aside!"
"Indeed, only to be invoked when it suits the purpose of the sole superpower."
"That's the way of the world."
"That's the way of capitalism and government."
"Surely the Soviet example showed that communism was no better."
"Right but ours is the best of all."
"Don't be facetious."
"I can't help it. I mean I find no difference between a dictatorship and a democracy here."
"Our dictators have money banked abroad; our democrats have money banked abroad. Our dictators threaten to destabilise the system to stay in power; our democrats seem to be doing the same thing."
"Let's not take any names."
"I am not interested in partisanship any more. All I want is to be able to earn enough so that I can pay my bills and all I want is to be able to watch TV when I want. The rupees I earn can no longer sustain my lifestyle and electricity is never there when I want. Hey I can't even cook when I want because of gas load shedding."
"Good thing you can't watch TV when you want. These journalists are all terrorists."
"It was denied by the Presidency."
"I am getting tired of presidential denials."

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