Senate condemns Israeli aggression in Gaza

24 Jan, 2009

The Senate on Friday adopted a unanimous resolution that condemned Israel for its barbaric military aggression against Palestinians in Gaza with civilised world and particularly the US watching like a spectator. The resolution, read out by leader of the House Raza Rabbani, was carried unanimously and strong speeches condemned the US as well as Organisation of Islamic Countries for behaving heartlessly over Gaza massacre by Israel.
The resolution said the Israeli aggression has caused thousands of civilian casualties and caused large-scale damage to property. "Israeli aggression in Gaza violated principles of UN charter, international humanitarian law, including the Geneva Convention", it continued. The Israeli policies and practice of targeting the civilian population tantamount to committing state terrorism, the resolution added.
The resolution noted with deep concern the pathetic inability of the international community including major powers, the UN, the Arab and Islamic world to take effective actions at the political, moral and legal planes, to stop Israeli aggression in Gaza.The House urged the international community particularly the major powers and especially the US, to use its influence for safeguarding the legitimate rights, including right to life, which is the most fundamental of the people of Palestine; as well to use all means to dissuade Israel from continuing to execute its atrocities against the civilian and the defenseless Palestinians.
The senators reaffirmed Pakistani people's solidarity with their Palestinian brethren. The resolution supported and expressed solidarity with the people of Palestine in their just struggle for the restitution of their legitimate and inalienable right to establish an independent Palestinian state with Al-Quds as its capital.
The resolution lauded Pakistan government's efforts to sensitise the international community and the OIC to fulfil their responsibilities in upholding the rights of the Palestinian people.
The house requested the government of Pakistan to expedite supply of humanitarian and relief assistance for the Palestinian people in Gaza and resolves that the government should forward this resolution to the United Nations, OIC and Arab League.
Speaking on the resolution, Senator Ilyas Balour of Awami National Party said that Organisation of Islamic Countries (OIC) has become ineffective and its role over recent attack was deplorable. He also called for saving Swat where the situation, he said, was not different from Gaza. He said that if the people of Punjab did not support NWFP on prevailing issue of militancy this fire could reach up to their homes.

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