Japan to provide relief goods for Palestinians

24 Jan, 2009

The Government of Japan has decided in a cabinet meeting on January 23 to provide emergency relief goods such as blankets, plastic sheets and sleeping mats for the conflict-affiliated Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. The damage to the Gaza Strip has caused on acute shortage of the necessities of the Palestinian people, leading to a serious situation from a humanitarian perspective.
The Government of Japan's contribution in kind to UNRWA includes 29,000 blankets, 8,000 plastic sheets and 20,000 sleeping mats. This in-kind contribution marks one of the largest ever in the volume of relief items provided from the Cabinet Office's stockpiles.
The Government of Japan has decided to extend this emergency assistance immediately, upon the request of The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) from a humanitarian point of view while taking into account the scale of the damage.-PR

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