Partly Facetious: no parallels between the US and Pakistan

24 Jan, 2009

"I was very impressed with President Obama's inauguration ceremony."
"I was particularly impressed with his oath."
"How come?"
"He committed to defending the constitution."
"Come on Musharraf couldn't take that oath, for obvious reasons need I say."
"What about his successor?"
"The amendments to our constitution that Musharraf made so he could be more powerful than parliament and the prime minister are still in force. So the issue as far as his successor is concerned does not come into effect."
"Perhaps we can amend the oath."
"You reckon that would be more implementable than getting the dictators not to amend the constitution?"
"Don't be facetious."
"Well if we amend the oath it may make a difference to yet another military adventurer."
"I believe if we add the words protect and defend the constitution as you suggest then no one will take the oath and mean it?"
"I guess but going back to Obama he didn't invite any foreign leader to his inauguration."
"I had heard President Zardari wanted to go."
"But it was America's day. The Americans voted him to power thereby showing to the rest of the world the way to go forward."
"Right the Americans showed that race and religion do not matter to them."
"And the people of America celebrated the inauguration and not a choice few."
"I am afraid there are no parallels between the US and Pakistan."

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