PWF urges government to restore gas and power to closed units

26 Jan, 2009

The Pakistan Workers Federation has called upon the government to get reopened thousands of closed industrial units due to power and gas load shedding in the country to save millions of workers from unemployment.
Through its Secretary General Khurshid Ahmad it has presented a 22-point proposals to the government concerning employment and welfare of the workers for inclusion in the agenda of proposed National Tripartite Labour Conference, to be held in the near future.
On top of its proposals/suggestions for revival of economy, the PWF has asked the government to adopt special measures for supply of power and gas to the closed industrial units to bring the millions of jobless labourers back to work.
It has proposed that the government should extend financial loans and adopt 'National economic self-reliant and austerity policies' for developing nation's industries and agriculture. It has demanded that the government should drastically cut import of luxury goods and discourage building posh and lavish villas and make significant investment in raising the employment opportunities, provision of free meaningful training to each male and female child to develop his/her multi-skill qualities to meet the requirement of labour market.
It said that the government should develop 'safer work culture' at work places to prevent accidents and occupational diseases, and promote 'productivity culture', and raise the value of dignity of work in the society.
It had also emphasised on development of cordial labour-management relationship by amending the outdated labour laws including the Industrial Relations Act, Workmen's Compensation Act 1923 and President (Special Powers of Removal of Services ) Ordinance 2000, and bring them in conformity with 1LO Conventions ratified by the Government of Pakistan.
PWF has demanded implementation of labour laws including minimum wage, social security, Factories Act, Old Age Benefits Scheme, Pakistan Industrial CommercialOrdinance, 1968 and Working Journalists 7th Wage Award by independent labour inspection machinery in accordance with ILO Convention ratified by the govt of Pakistan
It has also proposed to the government to introduce new laws for workers in case of bankruptcy of the employer. It has also stressed the need to peg the wages with high inflation and introduce selection grade and move over facilities to the workers in national pay scales and provide house rent, conveyance allowance at all cities irrespective of the size of population. It has also demanded of the government to protect workers from the recruiting agents exploitation and check the human smuggling by taking stringent measures through bilateral agreements with the receiving migrant Pakistani workers countries.

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