Rapeseed rose sharply: prices tended lower with falling demand

26 Jan, 2009

Rapeseed rates rose sharply while grams sector suffered losses, while others fluctuated in line with demand on the commodities wholesale markets during the week ended on January 24,2009. The prominent variations were in grams, rapeseed, black pepper, dry ginger, star aniseed, cuminseed, darchini, wheat and Ishpaghol Bhoosi.
On the opening day Kirana items depicted mixed trend but rapeseed fluctuated sharply. The rapeseed from Nawabshah inferior type rose sharply by Rs 175 to Rs 1600, while the better type rose by Rs 250 to Rs 1700, rapeseed from Dadulane inferior type gained Rs 200 to Rs 1300, while superior type by Rs 250 to Rs 1400, rapeseed from Mirpurlane was up Rs 250 to Rs 1500 while the better type gained Rs 225 to Rs 1600, and rapeseed cakes better type rose by Rs 10 to Rs 720 while low type stayed at overnight level at Rs 700, til low quality declined by Rs 100 to Rs 3200, cottonseed oilcake with bag low type shed Rs 5 to Rs 830 while the better type shed at Rs 5 to Rs 905, wheat old with bardana gained Rs 100 to Rs 2550, while new was higher by Rs 100 to Rs 2565.
On Jodia Bazaar black paper from Singapore retreated by Rs 300 to Rs 9800, cloves rose by Rs 200 to Rs 14000, dry ginger from China retreated by Rs 100 to Rs 5,800 Ispaghol bhoosi rose sharply by Rs 1100 to Rs 19,600, star aniseed shed Rs 200 to Rs 6,300 cuminseed rose by Rs 400 to Rs 8100, and darchini shed Rs 100 to Rs 4300.
On Tuesday grams depicted sharp retreat particularly from Australia by Rs 150 to Rs 4000 while the better type was quoted at Rs 4200, gram dal Punjab shed Rs 300 to Rs 5000 while the better type - was quoted at Rs 5200, yellow peas dal from Canada inferior type shed Rs 300 to Rs 3200 while better type shed Rs 250 to Rs 3350. On the cereal side wheat old with bardana shed Rs 50 to Rs 2500, the new wheat shed same amount to Rs 2515.
On Wednesday no change was marked in prices on grain market said to be owing to supplies and demand matching. However, on the Jodia Bazaar tea prices jumped higher such as Kenyan (per Kg) PF-1 A grade rose by Rs 20 to Rs 300, B grade turned higher by Rs 30 to Rs 290, plus C grade gained Rs 30 to Rs 270, C grade up by Rs 30 to Rs 240, BP-1 A grade up by Rs 30 to Rs 305, B grade gained Rs 35 to Rs 395, plus C grade closed higher by Rs 25 to Rs 275, and C grade rose by Rs 20 to RS 295, B grade up by Rs 20 to Rs 275 and plus C grade gained Rs 15 to Rs 255 and dust A grade rose by Rs 25 to Rs 225 and B grade rose by Rs 20 to Rs 210.
On Thursday declining trend was seen on the grain market amid moderate business. On the cereal side, sugar low type was lower by Rs 50 to Rs 3700 and best quality fell by Rs 60 to Rs 3770, gur followed same pattern and shed Rs 100 to Rs 3200-3400 and Khandsari also dropped by Rs 200 to Rs 3200-3400. On the seed side til inferior type was down by Rs 100 to Rs 2700 and the good type was lower by Rs 200 to Rs 3000, cottonseed oilcake with bag low quality was up by Rs 20 to Rs 850, however, the best type slipped by Rs 5 to Rs 900. On the grams side, yellow peas Canada was down by Rs 150 to Rs 2950-3100. On the rice sector, Sela Basmati came down due to falling demand, sliding Rs 200 to Rs 6800-7000.
On Jodia Bazaar dyes items moved both ways. The following variations were noted: PAKISTAN DYES (Per pound): Khaki US ended lower by Rs 5 to Rs 145, Brown GG closed up by Rs 10 to Rs 140, Chrasamine G moved upward by Rs 10 to Rs 140, Bordeux B cone finished higher by Rs 10 to Rs 140, Brown MS cone went up by Rs 10 to Rs 140, Congo red cone rose up by Rs 5 to Rs 105, and Yellow CT cone moved downward by Rs 30 to Rs 140. BASIC COLOURS: Rohdamine B was quoted at Rs 270, basic brown ended up by Rs 20 to Rs 125 and Malachite green finished higher by Rs 25 to Rs 165.
On Friday, as usual no transaction was reported on grain and seeds market as players said to be engaged in preparation for Jumaa prayers.
On Jodia Bazaar plastic moulding compounds closed mixed.
The following changes were noted: PLASTIC MOULDING COMPOUNDS (Per lb): HDPE 952 edged higher by 50 paisa to Rs 46.50, Mobil ended up by 50 paisa to Rs 46.50 and TR144 moved upward by Re 1 to Rs 46.50.
HDPE (INJECTION): Sabic 200056 ended lower by Rs 6 to Rs 49, Mobil 016 moved down by Rs 2 to Rs 48 and Iran ended lower by Rs 2 to Rs 48.
HDPE (BLOW): Kuwait went down by Re 1 to Rs 46, Marlex ended lower by Re 1 to Rs 46 and Iran moved down by Re 1 to Rs 45. LDPE: 374 ended lower by Rs 10 to Rs 50, MG 20 closed downward by Rs 20 to Rs 50 and MG 70 went down by Rs 20 to Rs 50.
LLDPE: W118 moved lower by Rs 8 to Rs 52, 7087 finished down by Rs 10 to Rs 50 and Sabic 500026 ended lower by Rs 5 to Rs 55.
POLYPROPYLENE (FILM): Thai ended down by Rs 10 to Rs 70, Kuwait closed lower by Rs 10 to Rs 70 and India edged downward by Rs 10 to Rs 70.
POLYPROPYLENE (TAPE GRADE): India finished lower by Re 1 to Rs 43, Kuwait ended down by Re 1 to Rs 43 and Saudia moved downward by Re 1 to Rs 43. POLYPROPYLENE (INJECTION GRADE): India moved lower by Rs 1.50 to Rs 43 and Kuwait was quoted at Rs 43.
POLYSTYRENE: BASF was quoted at Rs 2,800 and Pakistani was quoted at Rs 2,196.
COPOLY: Block ended down by Rs 4 to Rs 46 and Randon edged lower by Rs 4 to Rs 56.
HIGH IMPACT (Per bag): Pakistani was quoted at Rs 2,501.
ABS (Per bag): Polylac 707 moved downward by Rs 400 to Rs 3,800 and Iran edged lower by Rs 400 to Rs 3,700. On Saturday bearish sentiment dominated the seed and grain market. Fine sugar lost Rs 20, cottonseed oilcake Rs50 to Rs 800-850, yellow peas and dal Canada Rs 100 each to Rs 2850-3000 and Rs 3100, beetle chna No 1 shed Rs 50 to Rs 4500-4700. Bajra fell sharply by Rs 200 to Rs 1600.
On Jodia Bazaar Kirana items moved both ways. The following changes were noted: KIRANA ITEMS (Per 40): White pepper ended lower by Rs 2000 to Rs 14,800, black pepper Singapore moved down by Rs 300 to Rs 8,600, nutmeg edged lower by Rs 1,200 to Rs 14,400, big cardamom moved higher by Rs 500 to Rs 12,300, copra Ceylon went lower by Rs 600 to Rs 5,400, dry ginger (China) closed down by Rs 400 to Rs 5,400, sago finished lower by Rs 25 to Rs 1,825, and star aniseed finished higher by Rs 100 to Rs 6,400.

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