WHO to set up combined task force committee

28 Jan, 2009

World Health Organisation (WHO) is going to establish a combined task force committee in collaboration with Church World Service-Pakistan and Afghanistan and other partners.
This committee will play an active role in lobbying with the international donors for grants for health projects that will help to address the gaps for the priority area continued healthcare facilities in these regions." stated Dr Bille, Country Representative, WHO in a consultative meeting.
This meeting was organised by Church World Service-Pakistan/Afghanistan with the collaboration of WHO in Islamabad. The theme for this meeting was "Fate of the Health Facilities in Earthquake Affected Areas" in NWFP and Azad Kashmir. The participants brain stormed how to support the existing healthcare facilities and also on ground challenges faced in these interventions. The audience also viewed two video documentaries produced by Church World Service-Pakistan/Afghanistan on their health programmes in 2005 earthquake programme in Pakistan and the Afghan repatriation programme.-PR

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