Pakistan asked to attract overseas investments

28 Jan, 2009

Consul General of France, Pierre Seillan has said that Pakistan should market the name for attracting investment and should build image to give confidence to attract overseas investments.
Speaking at a meeting of Site Association of Industry (SAI) on Tuesday, he said that few years back he used to receive inquiries from French Investors for investment in Pakistan but with the passage of time, it appears that French investors are losing interest, considering Pakistan not investment conducive due to shrinking trend of receiving inquiries of investment in Pakistan from France.
Pierre said that France had made investments in Pakistan. The French agro business giant had a joint venture, which produces the world-class biscuits.
There is now more scope for joint ventures in the fields of telecommunications, chemicals, automobiles, shipbuilding etc. There is room for improvement and volume of the trade could be increased through regular and sustained exchange of information, he added.
The Consul General was of the view that with development of infra structure, the possibilities of investment may increase and French entrepreneurs may be attracted to make investment in different sectors in the near future in a big market of 170 Million people.
He said that his country would extend all possible help and assistance towards Alternate Energy Projects in Pakistan, which is prime need of the hour. Covering the education side, the Consul General said that the French government is continuing to extend all possible help in the field of Science & Technology for benefit of both the countries and so many institutions are operating under the auspices of French Government in Karachi, Faislabad and Lahore and are imparting training in latest technology.
Commercial Counsellor of France, Francis Widmer said we should not expect any relaxation from the European Union in GSP and anti dumping duties as alone France cannot help in this matter because it is the unified policy of European Union which drives the trade within and from EU.
On market access to France directly, he said that it is a difficult task but not impossible because we are part of the EU club and have to be under the policy making of EC.
He advised that Pakistan diplomatic core posted in the EU should persuade at Brussels and as well as all the member countries of EU. Influencing all member countries of EU may pave the way for a policy which will also market access for Pakistani goods in Europe at a comfortable level for competing with the goods received by EU from other countries in the region.
Chairman SAI, Engr. M.A. Jabbar said that Pakistan and France have history of co-operation and cordial relationship in economical arena and defence production and its need. Engr. M. A. Jabbar expressed anxiety of Pakistan 's limited trade with France The trade of less than a billion euro a year, which is less than 2% of total imports and exports of Pakistan, which need to be reviewed. France offers the excellence of consumer products and as well as telecommunication and electrical equipment which has made in France name to sale trust in the market. Possible investment in this sector by French counterparts for a market of 170 million people may be market demand and profit driven.
The meeting expressed its desire from the participant members of association that the CG of France may consider lobbying to help to mitigate the effect of GSP and GSP, available to other countries in the region. Participants of the meeting thought that the desire of increasing business by France could play a vital role in strengthening the share of France in Pakistan in the shape of manufactured merchandise, investments and exporting services required by Pakistan. Those who attended the meeting include Suleman Chawla, Sr. Vice Chairman and others.-PR

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