International Customs Day observed in Faisalabad

28 Jan, 2009

The Model Customs Collectorate, Faisalabad, observed the "International Customs Day" at Faisalabad Dry Port. The celebration of International Customs Day started with hoisting of national flag by Zulfiqar Ali Kazmi, Collector MCC while Saud Imran Ahmed, Additional Collector, Mrs Saima Habib, AC (Headquarters), Humayun Bhatti, Deputy Collector (Imports), Dr Mumtaz Ali Raza Chaudhry, Deputy Collector (Exports), customs senior officials, staff and other dignitaries of the city were present on this occasion.
Before start of the International Customs Day Ceremony, Dr Mumtaz Ali Raza, Deputy Collector Customs, told that the customs administrations all over the world annually celebrate this day on January 26 - the day on which the first official session of the central organisation of customs administration of the world, the Customs Co-operation Council (CCC) was held 55 years ago, which is now known as World Customs Organisation (WCO) comprising of 174 members.
Addressing the participants of the International Customs Day, Collector Model Customs Collectorate, Zulfiqar Ali Kazmi highlighted the importance of the International Customs Day and said that the World Customs Organisation of which Pakistan is also a member has asked the customs administration across the world to be alert of illegal international trade that threatens wildlife and environment such as endangered species, plants and illegal trade in waste products.
He asked the customs officials posted at Faisalabad Dry Port to focus their attention on improvement of custom processing and provide maximum possible facilities to the exporters and importers. He exhorted the need that the custom officials posted at Faisalabad Dry Port should try their optimum best to boost the export and import cargo at Faisalabad Dry Port by facilitating the exporters and importers so as to generate maximum possible revenue from collection of customs duty and other levies.
Later, the MCC Collectorate announced awards to best exporter, importer and clearing agent. Chenab Limited was declared the Best Exporter as well as Best Importer while Ashraf Clearing Forwarding Agency was declared Best Clearing Agent in imports and TA Cargo as Top Clearing Agent in exports. Chairman, FDPT, awarded prizes to Muhammad Akram Hawaldar, Sana Ullah Driver and Gulzar Ahmed Hawaldar while Additional Collector, Saud Imran Ahmed gave away prizes to Lal Din Constable and Muhammad Yasin LDC.

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