British MP for settling Kashmir dispute

30 Jan, 2009

British Member of Parliament Sir Gerald Kaufman has supported Pakistan's stance on Kashmir and admitted that the Kashmir Dispute was of serious nature. In a letter to President Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Raja Zulqarnain Khan, the British MP held out the assurance that he would make his best efforts to assist a peaceful solution of the Kashmir Dispute.
Sir Gerald Kaufman's letter came a week ahead of Kashmir Solidarity Day being marked on February 5, which Pakistanis and Kashmir at home and abroad, enthusiastically observe to condemn illegal Indian occupation of the held valley as well as support indigenous freedom struggle. The day would also features rallies, seminars and other events to be attended by people from all walks of life.
Besides, Pakistanis and Kashmiris would also form a 'Human Chain' that connects Kashmir to Pakistan as a sign to express solidarity with the Kashmiris. The people would strongly abhor excesses done to innocent Kashmir people by India through brutal force.

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