Mumbai attacks: response to Indian dossier soon, says Gilani

02 Feb, 2009

Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani on Sunday said that army action is not only solution in Swat and he would himself soon visit to the valley and look into the situation. He was addressing a press conference after coming from attending World Economic Forum at Davos, where he represented Pakistan.
About the investigation in the Mumbai attacks, the Prime Minister said that Pakistan has completed investigation into the incident and would soon formally respond to the Indian dossier. Gilani said there was tremendous pressure of the Indian public on its government causing bitterness in the ties between the two countries.
"I assure the world, the media and the government and people of India that the dossier has been investigated and has been forwarded to ministry of justice and after their approval I will take you in confidence."
Gilani when asked about the statement by Pakistan's ambassador to United Kingdom regarding the Mumbai probe, said "at times people are not performing their duties but are doing duties of others."
He said he has already instructed his ministers not to interfere in matters related to others. He said he was very strict about it and said he sought an explanation from Pakistan's High Commissioner to UK Wajid Shamsul Hassan and was satisfied with his response.
Gilani said Pakistan gained significantly at the diplomatic level with his visit to Davos as it provided an opportunity to the country to express its point of view on various global issues forcefully. He opined that Pakistan was most focused at the forum.
He also said: "Swat is as important for me as my hometown Multan and serious efforts were underway to resolve the matter", he maintained. Gilani added that he was constantly in touch both with the federal, provincial ministers and the security agencies to resolve the issue. He said the government was fully aware of the sensitivity of the situation and desired a solution, without any collateral damage.
"Army action is not the only solution and other options need to be looked into," Gilani said. About the draft of constitutional amendments submitted by the PML-N, Gilani said several options were being considered to study the various proposals being put forward and to achieve a consensus.
"We are committed to undo the 17th amendment, under the manifesto of the PPP, as we believe in achieving stability," he said, however he added for two-third majority is required for any constitutional amendment in the Parliament.
To a question, Pakistan has been always frontline state in the war on terror and more of its security personnel gave their lives than Nato forces in this war. To resolve the issues, he said, more sustainable policies are required.
To a question he said the President has already denied issuing any statement regarding the lawyers and said Peoples Party was at the forefront in their struggle and has rendered numerous sacrifices for their cause.
He said Justice Iftikhar was released not because of any movement, rather it was because of his order that he issued soon after taking the vote of confidence from the National Assembly.
AFP adds: Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani said Sunday his government would this week discuss with UN leader Ban Ki-Moon its progress in requesting the United Nations to probe Benazir Bhutto's assassination.
"Very soon we are evolving a strategy for that," Gilani replied, when asked whether his government would convey its request for a probe to the UN Secretary General, who is expected to arrive in Pakistan Wednesday. Gilani said that his government wanted a probe by the United Nations because it did not want the investigations to be "prejudiced and politicised."

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