Geithner keeps Treasury secretary on terrorism financing

03 Feb, 2009

US Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner announced Monday that Stuart Levey, under secretary for terrorism and financial intelligence, will remain in that role under the new Obama administration. Levey has held the job since July 2004 under George W. Bush's Republican administration, serving under Treasury secretaries John Snow and Henry Paulson.
Levey briefly served as acting Treasury secretary replacing Paulson after President Barack Obama took office until the Senate confirmed Geithner as Treasury secretary on January 26. He then returned to his duties as under secretary for terrorism and financial intelligence, leading the Treasury Department's drive "to sever financial support to international terrorists, weapons of mass destruction proliferators, drug traffickers and "other threats to our national security," the statement said.
"Stuart Levey has served with great distinction for several years as under secretary of the Treasury. He has led a global effort to prevent the international banking system from being used to fund terrorists and proliferation," Geithner said in the statement.
"I believe that it is in the national interest for Under Secretary Levey to continue his essential work on a number of the most important policy challenges facing the country and am gratified that he has agreed to serve as a senior member of the Obama administration," he said.

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