Ministry opposes creation of new slot in TDAP

03 Feb, 2009

The Commerce Ministry is said to have opposed creation of any new slot in Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP) to accommodate Senator Ahmed Ali of Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM), well-informed sources told Business Recorder here on Monday.
According to the TDAP Act, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the authority will be given the status of state minister not the Federal minister for which the senator is aspiring. Sources said, the Prime Minister Secretariat was yet to issue the notification with regard to the appointment of Senator Ahmed Ali.
"As the Prime Minister Secretariat issues the notification, things will get clear," said one of the officials of the Commerce Ministry on condition of anonymity. However, the prevalent act states that the chairman of the board will the
Federal minister which is Makhdoom Amin Fahim, who is also a senior leader of the ruling party and he would not allow anybody to interfere with his affairs. There were reports that a new notification will be issued by the Prime Minister Secretariat regarding appointment of Senator Ahmed Ali.

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