Message from President of Sri Lanka

04 Feb, 2009

It is with an immense sense of pride that I send this message to mark the 61st National Day celebrations of Sri Lanka. This pride comes from the many achievements towards the strengthening of our freedom gained in recent months since we launched a decisive humanitarian operation to free our motherland from the clutches of terror.
Beginning with the success of the heroic troops of our free and democratic society in clearing the terrorists from Mavil Aru in August 2006, and proceeding to the liberation of the entire East, we have now regained control of almost all of our land in the North too, including the entire Jaffna Peninsula. The strongholds of terror once believed to be invincible such as Kilinochchi, Elephant Pass, and Mullaitivu, have fallen in rapid succession, bringing the final elimination of terror from our motherland and the dawn of true freedom to all our people well within our reach.
I take this opportunity to pay this generous tribute to our heroic forces for the sacrifices they have made and the courage and determination they have displayed, in ensuring that on this 61st anniversary of Independence, we have moved beyond the threshold of a freedom that is richer and more meaningful than what was achieved in 1948.
As we pay this well deserved tribute to our heroic forces, we can be satisfied that many who were once critical of our operations to eradicate terror from our land are now citing Sri Lanka and the success of our troops as an example on how terrorism should be defeated.
As we move towards a larger freedom, our thoughts go out to the innocent Tamil people of the north who remain in bondage under the ruthless forces of terror who claimed to be their liberators. I pledge to you today, that these people, who share our motherland, will be liberated and given the equality and all rights that they are entitled to, under the Constitution.
This is also the occasion to remember with honour all those Sri Lankans from the Sinhala, Tamil, Muslim and Burgher, and every other community and faith in our country, who led the struggles and made many sacrifices to obtain freedom from colonial domination and exploitation that prevailed in our country for more than 500 years. Those who fight against the pockets of terror remaining today continue this great battle for freedom of our forefathers.
At this significant moment in the history of our country, I call upon all of our peoples to be united as a single nation in an undivided country, showing the tolerance, trust and understanding that have been the foundation of our nation throughout its glorious history. Let no one sow the seeds of hatred and mistrust anymore. May all Sri Lankans achieve their aspirations for peace and equality in full measure, and let us join to take our motherland to the great era of a vibrant democracy and freedom from fear in the New Sri Lanka that lies ahead.

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