Message from Prime Minister of Sri Lanka

04 Feb, 2009

Freedom is loved by all living beings We, who have had the experience of loosing our freedom, know its true value after regaining it. Our ancestors who were under colonial subjugation for hundreds of years would have found it a bitter pill to swallow.
They struggled valiantly to free our country from imperialist domination. Today, we are enjoying the freedom regained through their dedication and sacrifice. As time passed by, colonialism began emerging in another form to recapture control of other lands. It is important to build co-operation and togetherness among neighbour countries to defeat this sinister process.
In our country while meeting that threat we have to fight. Otherwise, we will have to face that risk which comes in a different guise and the menace of terrorism, as well. We are of the firm view that all human beings have equal rights and we are dedicated to ensure them. We are aware of the value of freedom and we are conscious of our duties and responsibilities as we believe we are on the right path to build a prosperous, flourishing, free and independent land. May all beings be free and content.

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