Sindh asks for supply of 0.2 million tons of wheat: present stocks to last only two weeks, says minister

05 Feb, 2009

Sindh, which is facing an 'alarming situation' due to the fast-depleting wheat stocks, has asked the federal government to immediately release at least 0.2 million tons wheat to save the province from imminent shortage. The federal government has assured Sindh government of sufficient quantity of wheat to be imported from Canada (or the United States) through Gwadar and Karachi ports on February 5 and 8, 2009.
"We are facing an alarming situation. Our present wheat stocks stand at meagre 45,000 to 47,000 tons, which is sufficient only for two weeks," Sindh Agriculture Minister Nadir Khan Magsi told media persons on the sidelines of Sindh Assembly on Wednesday. He said the demanded 0.2 million tons wheat would be distributed in Karachi and rest of the province equally. He told the federal government that there was a big gap in supply and demand of the commodity, and expressed fear of famine if the federal government failed to take pre-emptive action of providing Sindh with at least 0.2 million tons wheat immediately.
"I would not be responsible for the shortage; rather it would be because of the federal government, which has hardly given Sindh half (0.45 million tons) of the promised 1 million tons wheat," he said. He said his department was in contact with federal minister for agriculture who had assured him of providing sufficient quantity of wheat.
"We don't have shortage just now, but we are likely to face it after two weeks if not given more wheat," Magsi added. The agriculture minister also termed the recently imported Ukrainian wheat as 'ruddy' (substandard) (also on the floor of the house) and said quality of the forthcoming consignment from Canada would be seen on arrival.

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