Reception for new FNF resident representative

05 Feb, 2009

Olaf Kellerhoff, new Friedrich Naumann Foundation (FNF) Resident Representative in Pakistan, said he was delighted to come to Pakistan and he would work hard for achieving FNF goals and creating awareness regarding human rights and human dignity.
Speaking briefly at a reception, which was held here on Wednesday at the FNF office to welcome him said that for quite a long time he was looking forward to come to Pakistan.
"At last, my dream came true with my present assignment in this very beautiful country," said Kellerhoff, who claimed to have extensively studied Islamic history. The FNF is an open house and we welcome our friends to come here any time.
The welcome reception, which was held in a very simple manner attended by Dr Rene Klaff, regional director Friedrich Naumann Foundation (FNF) South Asia as well as the prominent people from civil society, print and electronic media. Academicians and political leaders were also present.

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