Kashmir dispute solution vital for peace in region: Sultan

06 Feb, 2009

Former Prime Minister of Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) Barrister Sultan encouraged by the statements of international community, particularly US President Barack Obama and UK Foreign Secretary David Milliband, who realised the intricacy of Kashmir dispute and acknowledged that its solution was vital for peace in the region.
"Solution of Kashmir dispute is a must if you want to see peace in the region," Barrister Sultan quoted David Milliband as saying while talking to APP. This statement by the top UK official kept the Indians in such a disbelief that it prompted Minister of External Affairs of India, Parnab Mukharjee to describe Kashmir as 'Atoot Ang' (integral part) of India without realising that the territory has clearly been declared as 'disputed' by the United Nations, which the world has also acknowledged.
Former AJK premier, who is also heading his People Muslim League, suggested Pakistan to follow Kashmir policy more aggressively on international fronts as the long pending issue had entered decisive stage in the wake of afresh freedom struggle in the held valley and Mumbai attacks.
"Time is near when Kashmir will be declared a part of Pakistan as international community is taking keen interest in solving Kashmir dispute as well as realising that peaceful settlement of the issue is imperative for durable peace in the entire region." he said.
"We need to give up our previous policy of excuses and go on with full determination, subduing India to bow before international norms and give Kashmiris their right to freedom," he added.
He said India was making desperate attempts to mislead the world opinion over Kashmir and playing different tactics including fraudulent elections, Mumbai attacks and inflammatory statements among others.
India has miserably failed to muster international support for its baseless stance on Kashmir as the world now knew about it malicious designs, atrocities committed against innocent humans in IHK, deployment of over 800,000 troops and other blatant violation of human rights. He said India was extremely baffled in this situation developing at international fronts that would surely go in the favour of the Kashmiris.
Barrister Sultan underscored the need for implementing UN Resolutions on Kashmir that stood for giving the people their right to franchise. Barrister Sultan said Kashmir cause suffered massive setbacks in the reign of former President Pervez Musharraf, who offered too much relaxation to India without getting reciprocity in the same fashion from the stubborn state.
Paying glowing tributes to the martyrs, who rendered unprecedented sacrifices in the freedom struggle, Barrister Sultan said it was not until indigenous armed freedom struggle in 1989 that projected Kashmir dispute at international fora and grabbed world attention. On Kashmir Solidarity Day, he said the event was a regular annual feature to express commitment with the people of Occupied Kashmir.
He said that Kashmir Day would carry much importance this time as the world was looking into the Kashmiri issue with a different perspective following certain geo-political developments in the region.

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