Sri Lanka problem

06 Feb, 2009

It may be noted that the wide coverage in Indian print and electronic media of ongoing protests of lawyers, students and others in entire Tamilnadu (including open support to LTTE and its leader by huge number of these protesters) over killings and other hardship of Sri Lankan Tamils due to on-going war between Sri Lankan armed forces and LTTE, has not aroused any worthwhile response from other non-Tamilian political parties of India.
Which gives credence to unfortunate impression that nothing matters in India other than the concerns of Hindi (and its variants) speaking Hindus of India. This political paralysis of the people of India (including the political outfits of Tamilnadu) is mainly due to their lack of "political vision commensurate with the contemporary world scenario".
Even merely a democracy in any country does not mean anything in the interest of enforcing human rights in that country unless there is a genuinely secular political party in that country. People do not understand that a political party (whether in power or in opposition) is an organisation which is supposed to help government function as per the dictates of law.
But most of the political parties in India have members who indulge in criminal activities or condone/connive at the criminal activities of not only other citizens but even of the members of that political party. Hence there is no surprise that non -existence of secular political party caused even partition of India.
Therefore, if people think that Sri Lankan problem will go away (even with UN international covenants on civil, political and Cultural rights and provision of Sri Lankan Constitution which promises to give Tamilians their due share in State matters) without establishing a genuinely secular political party in Sri Lanka then they are living in their make believe world.

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