'Egypt prevents Hamas taking millions into Gaza'

06 Feb, 2009

Egypt on Thursday prevented a senior Hamas official carrying nine million dollars and two million euros in cash from entering the Gaza Strip via Rafah, a security official told AFP. Border officials had held up a six-member delegation returning from truce talks in Cairo after insisting that they search their bags.
The officials allowed five members to cross, but prevented Gaza-based Hamas spokesman Ayman Taha, who was carrying the cash, from entering Gaza with the money. After contacting the finance ministry, border officials accompanied Taha to a bank in nearby El-Arish to deposit the money, the official said.
Egypt allowed aid, medical supplies and some doctors and journalists into the Gaza Strip during Israel's devastating 22-day offensive on the territory which ended with unilateral cease-fires on January 18. The war killed at least 1,330 Palestinians and 13 Israelis, and destroyed or damaged 14,000 homes, 68 government buildings and 31 structures used by non-government groups, the UN Development Programme said in a statement.

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