Three IHC 'Additional Judges' become 'Judges'

08 Feb, 2009

Three Additional Judges of the Islamabad High Court (IHC) on Saturday were appointed as Judges of the court. In this respect, a notification has been issued by the Ministry of Law and Justice. The notification, issued by the Ministry of Law and Justice Division here on Saturday said.
"In exercise of the powers conferred by Article 193 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the President is pleased to appoint the following additional judges of the IHC to be the Judges of the said court with effect from the date their present term expires."
With the induction of these three judges, the number of judges at IHC, including the Chief Justice, has become four, whereas five posts are yet awaiting appointment. The Judges who have been appoint at IHC are Justice Mohammad Munir Paracha, Justice Syed Qalb i Hassan and Justice Raja Saeed Akram Khan. Tthey will take oath of their office on Monday. These Judges had been working as ad hoc judges for a period of one year.

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