President, Pak- Iran Friendship Association

10 Feb, 2009

In the capacity as chairman, I whole-heartedly congratulate government and people of Islamic Republic of Iran on success of Islamic revolution under the able guidance and leadership of Imam Khomeni (RA) and in consequence Iran became free from the clutches of secular west and there was end of cruel treatment and atrocities on members of religious parties.
Who did not follow the king Shah and his tyrant agency Sawak, who were bent upon suppressing religious parties, imprisoning their members and favouring secular wind of the west. Support of the people to the religious parties and there leadership won the battle, which concluded in the exit of Shah and his family and Iran became free and Islamic Republic.
The aim and objects of Pak-Iran, Friendship Association are to promote friendship and Co-operation between the peoples of two neighbours, which are Islamic Republics of Iran and Pakistan. Our main aim is, as rightly pointed out by Imam Khomeni(RA), to promote unity among Muslim countries and to bring them on one platform. We want all the Muslim countries to join one Islamic block on the pattern of European Union with common currency, defence, trade and commerce. We want to make use of science and technology for promotion of Islamic world for peaceful purposes.
We denounce war on terror against Muslims only and nobody citizens ruthless and barbaric killings Muslim men, women and children in Gaza strip and Kashmir. Change of leadership in USA and Secretary General of United Nations must resolve disputes of Kashmir and Palestine without which neither terrorism could be contained nor peace would be restored. Islam believes in peace and harmony and live and let live Negotiations can solve problems and not attacks by drones and other means.

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