Iranian Revolution makes incredible achievements

10 Feb, 2009

The victory of Islamic revolution destroyed mental equations, social and cultural theories and western policies and debut of western open minded. Iran in 3 current decades along with facing of immense and small west crises and conspiracies has been knowing as a symbol for the smashing of its relations chains in economic, political, social and cultural circle from oppressors of the world and coming out from being slave of untrustworthy superpowers.
Without debate Iran revolution has been achieved incredible achievements which force the foreign Medias in current years to acknowledge some of those accomplishments. The considerable efforts done by the Iranian engineers and exports in the fields of industry and production and crossing the line of self- determination in agriculture sectors , industrial and military despite of diverse plots and economic deprivations has brought about a surprise for other countries , west and west believers.
At the moment with the passing of three decades since the Islamic revolution, Iran has shown even more powerful presence compared to its past in regional and world platform and has changed to a symbol of tackle the military, cultural and economic conspires.
The progress of Iran in the mentioned period consistently has been considered with the foreign discussions despite of boycotting to broadcast they had to put them on air the successful news of Iran's qualified students and Scientifics in science and cultural Olympics and as well as medical, engineering and nuclear developments of Iran.
These achievements are made by the strong and determined leadership of Islamic revolution and the unity of the people to pass the west plots and west believers. We are not able to mention every aspect of achievements of Iran revolution here but we can write the important points in economic and commercial sectors briefly.
Iran GDP in year 1977 was about 37b dollar but this amount in year 2007 has reached to 294b dollars. The scale of Iran Non- oil export in year 1977 was estimated to 300 million dollars but this amount in 2007 is equivalent to 21b dollars.
The trade transactions between two brotherly and friendly countries of Iran and Pakistan: (without calculation of oil). Despite of all existing problems such as absent of a branch of bank in both countries (for the opening of L/C) in last nine months of the current year 2008 (from march 20 till December 20) the mutual trade transactions have an increase of 65 % and reached to an amount of 342 million dollars (177 million dollars Iran export to Pakistan and165 million dollars Pakistan export to Iran) it is expected with solve of the problems and especially for launch of a branch of bank in both countries the scale of mutual trade will be increased more than 1 b dollars.

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