Rising trend in vegetable, fruit prices continues

10 Feb, 2009

Although rising trend continues in the prices of vegetables and fruit items in Multan markets, yet the rates of many items have also been reduced. As far as the checking of the hoarders by the City district government is concerned, the lethargy of official has provided the profiteers ample opportunity to deceive the customers.
Shopkeepers keep selling substandard edibles at grade 1 and grade 2 items rates and if anybody objects over this they refuse to sell the items to him. Market committee officials pay more attention to collection of bribe than keeping vigilant eye on rising prices.
They hold the administration responsible for price hike, adulteration, and sale of substandard articles and say that without active participation of town magistrates, who give proper checking time to the respective town and impose penalties on the spot to the profiteers and sellers of substandard items can change the situation.. But, they say that there is no magistrate to check the rates and quality of goods and impose fine on rates violators.
The rates of tomato increased by Rs 5 to Rs 6 per kg to Rs 22 to Rs 28 per kg. Garlic China price was fixed at Rs 26 to Rs 28 from Rs 27 to Rs 30 per kg and is sold at Rs 30 per kg while garlic desi price was fixed at Rs 26 to Rs 32 per kg from Rs 30 to Rs 34 per kg and is sold at Rs 35 per kg.
The price of ginger Thai was fixed at Rs 46 to Rs 50 per kg after gaining by Rs 4 per kg from last week price of Rs 42 to Rs 46 per kg and is sold at Rs 50 per kg and ginger China fixed at Rs 56 to Rs 60 per kg after gaining Rs 8 to Rs 8 per kg from last week price of Rs 47 to Rs 52 per kg. Cabbage price was fixed at Rs 7 to Rs 10 per kg and it sold at Rs 10 per kg while cauliflower price was Rs 5 to Rs 8 per kg and it sold at Rs 8 per kg. Pumpkin was sold at Rs 26 per kg as compared to its price of Rs 20 to Rs 26 per kg.
The price of turnip was fixed at Rs 4 to Rs 5 per kg and it sold at Rs 8 to Rs 10 per kg. Radish had sold at Rs 5 to Rs 8 per kg from it price of Rs 3 to Rs 4 per kg, carrot was sold at Rs 7 per kg from its price of Rs 5 to Rs 7 per kg. Peas price was fixed at Rs 16 to Rs 20 per kg from Rs 18 to Rs 22 per kg and it sold at Rs 20 per kg.
Green Chilli had sold at Rs 40 per kg as compared to its fixed price of Rs 35 to Rs 40 per kg. Coriander bundle was sold at Rs 5 as compared to its price of Rs 3 to Rs 4 per bundle.
The price of farm's spinach was fixed at Rs 3 to Rs 4 per kg and it sold at Rs 5 per kg and desi spinach at Rs 4 to Rs 5 per kg and it sold at Rs 8 per kg. Brinjal was sold at Rs 14 per kg while it price was fixed at Rs 12 to Rs 14 per kg.
Cucumber was sold at Rs 20 per kg as while it rate was fixed at Rs 16 to Rs 20 per kg from last week Rs 22 to Rs 26 per kg. Capsicums price was fixed at Rs 42 to Rs 46 per kg from the last week price of Rs 42 to Rs 48 per kg and it sold at Rs 46 per kg. The price of different variety of apple was fixed at Rs 22 to Rs 65 per kg and average price in Sunday bazaar was Rs 50 per kg. Guava price was fixed at Rs 24 to Rs 40 per kg and it sold at Rs 40 per kg.
The price of different varieties of orange was fixed at Rs 24 to Rs 70 per dozen from Rs 38 to Rs 70 per dozen but average price in Sunday bazaar was Rs 40 to Rs 60 per dozen. Grapefruit price was fixed at Rs 7 to Rs 10 per piece but it was sold Rs 10 per piece. The price of banana was fixed at Rs 12 to Rs 30 per dozen and it sold Rs 30 per dozen.
Among other kitchen items, the rate of sugar was Rs 42 per kilogram as the city district government Lahore had increased sugar price by Re one per kg for Friday/Sunday bazaar from last week price of Rs 41 per kg. However, the price of masoor pulse was reduced by Rs 5 per kilogram and fixed at Rs 108 per kg from Rs 113 per kilogram. Lentil whole rate had reduced by Re one to Rs 2 per kg and fixed at Rs 65 to Rs 68 per kg from Rs 66 to Rs per kg.
The rate of ghee was Rs 105 to 120 per kilogram. Different varieties of rice were sold between Rs 40 to Rs 43 per kilogram. The price of good quality basmati rice of different brands was Rs 70 to 80 per kilogram. Similarly, lower quality rice was selling between Rs 40 to 46 per kilogram, while broken rice ranged from Rs 30 to 35 per kilogram.

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