Partly Facetious: PPP lost its liberal support during long march

19 Mar, 2009

"Peoples power has come to Pakistan at last."
"I agree and the exhibition of power forced the government to finally accept the demands of the public that voted it to power."
"Indeed, and you know what? I dont think that the army will be able to take over as easily in future."
"Right. So now what?"
"I urge Prime Minister Gilani to reinstate Sherry Rehman."
"I dont think President Zardari would..."
"Excuse me?"
"OK, why must Gilani reinstate her?"
"Because the PPP lost its liberal support during the long march: the educated, the lawyers, civil society all abandoned the PPP and looked towards Mian Sahib for guidance."
"I agree, the educated were always supportive of the PPP before but..."
"Right and Sherry Rehman is now widely respected and she must be allowed to be the voice of the government again. It would be in the interest of the government."
"Any resignations you reckon?"
"Yes, I think given the success of the march some should resign."
"Especially those advisors who misguided the President this week past. I only wish that the Prime Minister had indicated in his speech that it was the Presidents advisors who were misguiding him and sack them rather than saying that the President always intended to do what Gilani announced in the early hours of Monday."
"That would certainly have been more credible."
"But the President is much weakened - not only in his decision making as the president but also as the co-chairperson of the party."
"Nothing wrong with that, after all we dont have a dictatorship anymore."

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