EBM, URS to host 8th international safe food conference on March 26

19 Mar, 2009

English Biscuit Manufacturers Pvt Limited (EBM) and United Registrar of Systems (URS) will host the 8th International Safe Food Conference 2009 on March 26, 2009 in Karachi. The conference aims to raise greater awareness of food safety issues amongst all stakeholders, the consumers, manufacturers, academia, regulators and distributors of food products.
In collaboration with URS, EBM, the makers of Peek Freans biscuits has been sponsoring the annual Safe Food Conference since 2002. EBM has been instrumental in creating awareness and promoting the concept of Safe Food not only in biscuits and confectionery industry, but also across all food businesses and industries.
The theme of the Safe Food conference this year is Safe Food - Significance in Recessionary Times. This years conference will bring together leaders from the food industry, experts, nutritionists, researchers and government officials to address that how investment in food safety management system and emphasis on incorporating technology and innovation can serve to survive the prevailing global economic turmoil and secure clientele during the current recession.
Food Safety needs to be looked at as a strategic long-term investment. During the time of recession, it is the natural tendency of consumers and organisations alike to cut down their costs through downgrading themselves for cheaper and lower quality options.
When organisations and households have to make such difficult cost cutting decisions, it is imperative that their focus should be on Food Safety and associated investment remains intact. It should never come under the chopping process as, Food Safety is the right of all human beings and not a luxury that can be forgone during recession, Deputy Managing Director, EBM Saadia Naveed said. She further added that EBM is fully committed to deliver healthy and wholesome safe food products to consumers, by having a strong quality assurance system from the stage of raw material selection to the final distribution of products to retail outlets.

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