US suspends aid to Madagascar

21 Mar, 2009

The United States on Friday suspended aid to the Indian Ocean island nation of Madagascar, saying the change of government there this week was unconstitutional. The State Department said the Obama administration would cut all non-humanitarian assistance to the country because the ouster of President Marc Ravalomanana, who resigned after weeks of protests and handed power to the military, was ``tantamount to a coup detat.
``The United States will not maintain our current assistance partnership with Madagascar, department spokesman Robert Wood told reporters. The exact amount of aid to be suspended was not immediately clear, but Madagascar participates in several US programs under which it receives significant development assistance.
Under federal law, the US must suspend non-humanitarian assistance to countries where a democratically elected government is toppled by unconstitutional means, and Wood urged the restoration of legitimate leadership. "The United States has enjoyed a long-standing relationship with the people of Madagascar and we call on them to immediately undertake a democratic, consensual process to restore constitutional governance culminating in free, fair and peaceful elections, Wood said.
Ravalomanana resigned on Tuesday and gave power to the military, which then named his political rival Andry Rajoelina as president. Rajoelina has accused his ousted rival of misspending public funds and undermining democracy. He says his rise was a victory for ``true democracy over dictatorship and has promised new elections within two years. Ravalomanana had accused Rajoelina of illegally seeking power, since under the constitution the 34-year-old opposition leader was too young to become president.

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