Partly Facetious: theres no rooster supremo in politics

21 Mar, 2009

"So now what?"
"Sanam Bhutto has denied any conflict with President Zardari."
"I dont understand why you believed the story in the first place. I charge you with being anti-Zardari."
"Me and the rest of the..."
"No, dont make claims that you cant prove."
"According to polls..."
"I dont care about polls. Besides they should be banned from operating in Pakistan. Majority of the Pakistani people are illiterate, and besides they live in rural areas without any phones - surely they form no part of these polls."
"Ah, this is the same theory as that propagated by Musharraf."
"You just want to spread conspiracy theories against Zardari. You know and I know that President Zardari is not in a position to influence Sanam Bhutto if you know what I mean."
"I agree, and if she ever decides to take over the party I doubt, if President Zardari would be able to invoke the defection clause in the constitution that he seems to be adamant about invoking with respect to the Punjab."
"Dont be facetious."
"I am not being facetious I am merely wondering how President Zardari reckons to convince the public that he and his factotum Taseer really are operating above board in the Punjab."
"You reckon the days of challaki (shrewdness) are over?"
"Yes, I do. I mean all the hens have come back to roost as far as the President is concerned."
"Ah but I still believe he is the rooster supremo."
"There is no rooster supremo in politics. See where Musharraf is today and he of all people thought he would remain the supremo."
"You are right there."

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