Services of Allama Kazi eulogized

12 Apr, 2009

The teachers and students of the Department of Statistics University of Sindh acknowledging great services in the field of higher education rendered by Founder Vice Chancellor of Sindh University Allama I. I. Kazi paid rich tribute to him for his visionary and exceptional service in teaching and research.
They were speaking in a seminar on the life and vision of Allama I. I. Kazi organised by the departments of Statistics in connection with founders week celebration on Saturday. Dean Faculty of Natural Sciences Dr M. Usman Memon presided over the occasion while teachers and students from various institutes and departments attended the seminar. Sindh University students said that, students of this University would always be highly grateful of Allama I. I. Kazi who was great visionary scholar.
They said that Allama I. I. Kazi being a scholar always encouraged researchers and educationist to serve the nation through their abilities for the advancement of the Country and Nation. They said that services of great scholar would always be remembered and his vision and services would remind youth to serve the community for its betterment.
Paying tribute to Allama I. I. Kazi, the Dean Dr Memon said that young generation must be grateful to our scholars like Allama I. I. Kazi who rendered their services for the uplifting of society through education. He said that the scholars always think over for development of the community with a vision and service so that coming generation can get benefit from it. He said that Sindh University is dream of Allama I. I. Kazi which came true with his so profound efforts, dedication and hardworking.
The Chairman of the department of Statistics Dr Raja M. Ilyas said that Sindh had given birth to scholars and people of high calibre who served the society in real manner. He said that Allama I. I. Kazi was amongst those scholars who not only dreamed but actualised for a noble cause of education. He said that within a short period of time Allama Sahib not only set up a new campus with all possible facilities at Jamshoro but also opened 24 teaching departments. He said that being a man of principal Allama sahib resigned from seat of high learning on May 25, 1959 on imposition of first Marshal Law.

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