Taking notice of spread of fatal diseases due to unscreened blood transfusion, the Punjab government has asked the executive district officers (Health) and hospitals administration to ensure use of only screened blood for transfusion so as to check the spread of Hepatitis, AIDs and other fatal diseases.
Sources in health department said here on Saturday that the department has provided diagnostic kits to all blood banks for Hepatitis and AIDs. The hospitals administrations have also been directed to take immediate measures to make functional the incinerators provided to the hospitals, the sources said.
The government has also directed the authorities to raise public awareness for preventive measures against various diseases, the sources added. Director General Health Services Dr Muhammad Aslam directed the officers to check the reuse of dispensable syringes in district, Tehsil headquarters hospitals, rural health centres and basic health units in the respective districts.
In charge National Aids Control Programme, Dr Ali Razzaque said that a special awareness campaign is being pursued in all districts against HIV and free counselling and medicines are being provided to AIDs patients. He said that mapping is also being conducted in specific areas for collecting data about AIDs patients.