AJK Prime Minister Sardar Muhammad Yaqoob Khan said here Saturday that Azad Jammu Kashmir would be made a model welfare state through launching mega development projects of public interests. He was addressing a press conference at the PWD Rest House here before a breakfast, which he hosted in honour of the local mediamen.
He said that he was extremely grateful to the President of Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari for announcing various mega projects of public interest in AJK during a recent meeting with him in Islamabad. He said that it was encouraging that AJK had been exempted from any cut in the federal budget allocations for the development projects of AJK.
He said that the federal government had assured to release the stipulated development funds for AJK in the near future for the execution and completion of the existing and upcoming projects.
Sardar Yaqoob said that these projects will not only benefit the common man in AJK but would also benefit and attract the overseas Kashmiris especially those settled in Britain to invest here. Sardar Yaqoob said that Wapda would be directed to immediately complete the dual carriageway particularly from Mangla to Mirpur city.