'Economic downturn a US creation'

19 Apr, 2009

'Developing countries have nothing to do with current economic downturn, as it is a creation of the United States and developing world is suffering without any fault of their own.' The Ambassador, Republic of Cuba, Gustavo Machín Gómez said on Saturday. He was addressing a workshop on 'International Peace and Role of Future Generations' at Rawalpindi Islamic School of Excellence (RISE).
He said that industrialised countries should not only undertake efforts to bail out themselves, but also care for poor economies that are paying cost for the slippage of west. Cuban envoy further said that the west has the ability to help poor but it seems that they do not have the will and they should not remain preoccupied with themselves. 'The idea of Global Economic System has some inbuilt flaws that need to be addressed for the future of humanity,' he added.
'Limping economies are contributing towards increasing number of poor in the world,' Gomez said, adding that the US administration should stop chasing invisible enemies and focus on development. He said this century has started with two wars and other conflicts bringing untold miseries to the people of planet.
World needs more 'Peace Schools' so that the leaders in making become fully aware of issues and try their best to make world a nice and better place, after stepping into practical life, he added. 'Role of children as peacemakers of future should not be underestimated and we should teach them tolerance and love for humanity,' he stressed.
Underlining joint efforts to improve the situation, he said that great responsibility lies on the shoulders of civil society to bring people of different parts of world closer and explore new venues for development. The Ambassador also said that Pakistanis are one of the most gifted people on the earth. Presently 954 Pakistani students are getting free professional education in Cuba and the number will increase soon.
Speaking on the occasion, the President, Pakistan Economy Watch and Chairman RISE School System, Dr Murtaza Mughal said that economy could not excel in absence of quality education. 'We need to think out of box and explore new venues in economic education,' he said adding that conventional methods of education are not paying dividends. 'Shrinking economy should not be used as a ploy to take toll on educational budgets, Dr Mughal stated.

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