Changes in income tax rules: time extended for comments

22 Apr, 2009

The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) has extended time period for obtaining comments of stakeholders on draft amendments in the Income Tax Rules pertaining to different issues including Commissioner's powers to register the taxpayer on a Trial Registration Number (TRN).
The FBR has issued SRO 344(I)/2009 to extend time for further 15 days for public views on draft amendments in SRO 301(I)/2009 of April 7, 2009. Through previous notification, issued on April 7 2009, the FBR had issued the draft of certain amendments in the Income Tax Rules, 2002 for information of all persons likely to be affected, and notice was given that the draft would be taken into consideration after 15 days of its publication in the official Gazette. Any objection or suggestion which may be received from any person, in respect of the said draft before the expiry of the aforesaid period, shall be considered by the FBR.
On expiry of this period, the FBR has given another 15 days to the stakeholders for incorporation of viable suggestions in the rules. The draft has specified the procedure for registration of potential taxpayers by the commissioners.
The Commissioner having jurisdiction over a case may register a person as a taxpayer where he is satisfied that the income of the person is taxable and is required to file a return of income. Other amendments related to orders for attachment of immovable property of defaulters and warrant for arrest of defaulters etc.

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