Marshall Plan for Pakistan

23 Apr, 2009

President Asif Ali Zardari has called for a major aid drive, like the Marshall Plan, to fight poverty and militancy in the country. It was an ingenious proposal by our President.
We remember the tossing of the slogan of making Pakistan an Asian Tiger put in the mouth of the Prime Minister, who had come out to break the begging bowl, collected handsome money from the people but where this money had gone had never been disclosed nor shown in the subsequent budget. However our working factors are very much different.
Administration of aid money is not patriotically handled. Aid money is spent mercilessly as if it had grown on trees. Luxurious living is derived out of that money as had been done by a caretaker Prime Minister. The news was there that USA had made a generous aid pledge to Pakistan in Tokyo.
At the same time, it had been said that relations between the two countries suffer from a trust deficit. It had also been reported that WB-operated fund was likely to be pushed by FoDP. It will be a multilateral package instead of bilateral assistance. No doubt, we need money and our President is aware of Marshall Plan. Would our President have such a will to rebuild the country without succumbing to the fake advices of economic experts and financial wizards?

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